Before you proceed, I wanted to convey was that the article is not intended to weaken the spirit of you who are headache-puyengnya build blogs. I want to show that there are 1001 ways to make money on the internet and there are 1001 search for your writing read by many people as possible.
Having a blog is not an absolute thing to do to earn money. Even someone who did not have blogpun be earning. For example, by playing affiliate commission of 50% or more and play around with google adwords to bring traffic to a web affiliate. Or you can also create lists of products on ebay with Dropshipping system. Even you can also put photos on facebook to sell the products of SMEs in your hometown.
Many one-way and any way you choose, all of them need wrote 1 capital that is willing to try, try and try. Very different between trying to continue and move on. What often happens is that someone had to move strategy. For example today try to campaign through facebook, and not because of behavior, swerved directly into kaskus. In his kaskus thread continues even people drowned nyasarpun not have it, finally daring to use adwords. Alhamdulillah out 1 million for advertising adwords but not produce a sale-and change professions also make a blog.
Like that it's not dabbling, but moving. It is not recommended. Then how should?
Take just one strategy. Suppose you take promotion strategy via the forum. Then, begin to become a master at that forum. Each day share a science. Do not care about science is already widely known or not, just brush. Later in the live plus
"I'm sorry if you've discussed earlier. Just sharing from the viewpoint of ane aja gan "
As long as you are writing your own original work, it will certainly be appreciated by the residents of the forum. Would be different if you are ravenous, Copas here and there. Besides they the same article in sebarin to dozens of forums. It may be one or two people will recognize your writing and your name so there is less good.
You should also start to become a problem solver. Any questions, whenever possible answer. If I need to be a hunter pertamax hehehe ... With so at any threads of people will know you. And of course you have to look different from the other members. Love the writing a bit more with the image 2 funny example: D
I sure did not until a year your name will fly there. And do not rule you will be a moderator in one of the forum.
Well, that's one trick that can be a blogger without a blog and without the community. Use the forum as your blog and use the community forum as your community.Tweet This!
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